Acanthaceae | Asystasia gangetica | Flower |
| Barleria macrostegia | Plant and flower |
| Crossandra greenstockii | Plant and flower |
| Hypoestes aristata | Flower and leaf |
| Justicia betonica | Inflorescence |
Agapanthaceae | Agapanthus inapertus | Plant and inflorescence |
Aizoaceae | Carpobrotus edulis edulis | Flower and leaf |
| Lampranthus amoenus | Plant and flower |
| Lampranthus aureus | Plant and flower |
| Psammotropha myriantha | Flower |
Alismataceae | Sagittaria lancifolia lancifolia | Flower |
Alliaceae | Tulbaghia acutilobia | Inflorescence |
| Tulbaghia coddii | Plant |
Amaranthaceae | Amaranthus hybridus | Inflorescence and leaf |
Amaryllidaceae | Amaryllis belladonna | Inflorescence |
| Brunswigia radulosa | Inflorescence, flower and leaf |
| Crinum bulbispermum | Inflorescence |
| Crinum graminicola | Plant and inflorescence |
| Crinum macowani | Plant, Inflorescence and flower |
| Crinum paludosum | Plant and inflorescence |
| Heamanthus montanus | Plant and Inflorescence |
| Nerine krigei | Plant and inflorescence |
| Scadoxus puniceus | Plant and inflorescence |
Anthericaceae | Eriospermum cooperi | Inflorescence |
Apiaceae | Alipedia amatymbica | Inflorescence and leaf |
| Berula erecta | Plant, leaf and Inflorescence |
| Berula repanda | Habitat, plant and leaf |
| Centella asiatica | Leaf and flower |
Apocynaceae | Asclepias aurea | Flower |
| Asclepias eminens | Flower |
| Gomphocarpus fruticosus | Inflorescence and fruit |
| Gomphocarpus rivularis | Habitat, fruit |
| Pachycarpus concolor transvaalensis | Flower |
| Pachycarpus scaber | Plant, Inflorescence and flower |
| Pachycarpus schinzianus | Inflorescence and flower |
| Pentarrhinum insipidum | Infloresecnce |
| Periglossum angustifolium | Plant and inflorescence |
| Riocreuxia torulosa torulosa | Flower and leaf |
| Schizoglossum cordifolium | Inflorescence |
| Stapelia gigantea | Habitat and flower |
| Xysmalobium undulatum | Fruit |
Aponogetonaceae | Aponogeton desertorum | Habitat, inflorescence, Flower and leaf |
| Aponogeton distachyos | Habitat and flower |
| Aponogeton junceus | Flower |
Araceae | Pistia stratiotes | Plant |
| Zantedeschia aethioica | Flower |
| Zantedeschia albumaculatum | Plant |
| Zantedeschia petlandii | Plant and flower |
Araliaceae | Centella asiatica | Leaf and flower |
| Cussonia paniculata | Plant and leaf |
| Hydrocotle bonariensis | Habitat and leaf |
| Hydrocotle sibthorpoides | Plant |
Asparagaceae | Asparagus laricinus | Plant and fruit |
Asphodelaceae | Aloe boylerii | Plant and Inflorescence |
| Aloe dichotoma | Habitat, Inflorescence and stem |
| Aloe marlothii | Plant |
| Bulbine abyssinica | Plant and inflorescence |
| Bulbine narsissifolia | Habitat and Inflorescence |
| Kniphofia albescens | Inflorescence |
| Kniphofia porphyrantha | Plant and Inflorescence |
Asteraceae | Arctotheca populifolia | Plant and Inflorescence |
| Arctotis discolor | Plant, Inflorescence and leaf |
| Arctotis fustuosa | Flower |
| Berkeya bergiana | Flower, stem and leaf |
| Berkeya echinaceae | Plant and inflorescence |
| Berkeya radula | Flower |
| Bidens formosa | Flower |
| Bidens pilosa | Plant and flower |
| Campuloclinium macrocephalum | Inflorescence and flower |
| Carpobrotus sauerae | Plant and flower |
| Cirsium vulgare | Plant, inflorescence and fruit with seed |
| Cotula coronipifolia | Plant, stem, leaf and inflorescence |
| Crassocephalum pecridifolium | Inflorescence and leaf |
| Denekia capensis | Plant, Inflorescence |
| Dicoma (Macledium) anomala | Plant and inflorescence |
| Dicoma (Macledium) zeyheri | Plant and Inflorescence |
| Gerbera jamesonii | Inflorescence |
| Gerbera viridifolia | Plant |
| Gnaphalium filagopsis | Inflorescence |
| Haplocarpha scaposa | Plant and inflorescence |
| Helichrysum caespitium | Plant, infloresecence, leaf and seed |
| Helichrysum cymosum cymosum | Plant and inflorescence |
| Helichrysum decorum | Plant, inflorescence and leaf |
| Helichrysum ecklonis | Inflorescence |
| Helichrysum galpinii | Habitat and inflorescence |
| Helichrysum mundti | Inflorescence |
| Helichrysum pilosellum | Plant and inflorescence |
| Helichrysum rugulosum | Habitat |
| Helichrysum setosum | Inflorescence and flower |
| Launaea sarmentosa | Plant and Inflorescence |
| Pseudognaphalum luteo-album | Inflorescence |
| Scenecio inornatus | Inflorescence |
| Senecio polydon polydon | Inflorescence |
| Syncarpha vestita | Inflorescence and Flower |
| Tithonia rotundifolia | Flower and leaf |
| Vernonia galpinii | Plant and flower |
| Vernonia hirsuta | Inflorescence |
| Vernonia oligoceohala | Inflorescence |
| Vernonia thodei | Plant and flower |
| Zinnia peruviana | Plant and flower |
Azollaceae | Azolla fillicoloides | Plant |
Boraginaceae | Codon royenii | Plant and flower |
| Echiium plantagineum | Inflorescence |
| Ehretia rigida | Inflorescence and fruit |
Bruniaceae | Staavia radiata | Inflorescence |
Buddlejaceae | Gomphostigma virgatum | Plant and nflorescence |
Campanulaceae | Craterocarpsa tarsodes | Plant and flower |
| Wahlenbergia appressifolia | Flower |
| Wahlenbergia cuspidata | Plant and flower |
| Wahlenbergia epacridae | Inflorescence, stem and flower |
| Wahlenbergia grandiflora | Flower |
| Wahlenbergia huttonii | Inflorescence |
Cannaceae | Canna indica | Inflorescence |
Capparaceae | Cleome angustifolia | Inflorescence |
| Cleome gynandra | Inflorescence |
| Cleome monophylla | Inflorescence |
Caryophyllaceae | Dianthus albens | Flower |
| Dianthus basuticus | Flower |
| Dianthus mooiensis | Habit and Flower |
| Dianthus zeyheri | Flower |
| Pollichia campestris | Flower and leaf |
| SIlene burchelli | Inflorescence |
| Silene sp. | Inflorescence |
Celastraceae | Gymnosporia buxifolia | Habit |
Colchicaceae | Colchicum melanthoides subulatum | Habit and inflorescence |
| Gloriosa superba | Habit and inflorescence |
| Litonia modesta | Habit and inflorescence |
Commelinaceae | Aneilema aequinoctale | Inflorescence |
| Commelina africana | Flower |
| Commelina Africana var. barberae | Habit |
| Commelina benghalensis | Flower and leaf |
| Commelina diffusa scadens | Flower |
| Commelina erecta | Habit |
| Cyanotis lapidosa | Infloresecnce |
| Cyanotis speciosa | Habit and inflorescence |
Convulvaceae | Cuscuta campestris | Habit |
| Falkia oblonga | Habit |
| Ipomoa infica | Flower and leaf |
| Ipomoa pes-caprea | Habit, flower and leaf |
Crassulaceae | Andromischus umbraticola | Habit and Inflorescence |
| Cotyledon orbiculata | Habit, Inflorescence |
| Crassula pellucida brachypetala | Habit and inflorescence |
| Kalanchoe thyrsiflora | Inflorescence |
Cyperaceae | Abildgaardia ovata | Inflorescence |
| Ascolepis capensis | Habit, inflorescence; flower |
| Bolboschoenus glaucus | Habit and inflorescence |
| Bolboschoenus maritimus | Inflorescence |
| Bulbostylis hispidula | Inflorescence |
| Bulbostylis humilis | Inflorescence |
| Bulbostylis schleropus | Inflorescence |
| Bulbostylis schoenoides | Habit and inflorescence |
| Carex acutiformis | Habit and inflorescence |
| Carex austro_africana | Habitat, habit, inflorescence |
| Carex burchelliana | Habit, inflorescence |
| Carex clavata | Inflorescence |
| Carex glomerabilis | Habitat, habit and inflorescence |
| Carex mossii | Habit and inflorescence |
| Carpha glomerata | Habit and inflorescence |
| Chrystix capensis | Inflorescence |
| Cladium mariscus jamaicense | Habit and inflorescence |
| Cyperus alopecuroides | Habit and inflorescence |
| Cyperus articularis | Habit and inflorescence |
| Cyperus compressus | Habit, inflorescence, flower and nutlet |
| Cyperus congestus | Habitat and inflorescence |
| Cyperus denudatus | Habit and inflorescence |
| Cyperus difformis | Inflorescence |
| Cyperus digitatus auricomis | Inflorescence |
| Cyperus dives | Habit, inflorescence and nutlet |
| Cyperus eragrostis | Habit, inflorescence |
| Cyperus esculentus | Inflorescence |
| Cyperus fastigiatus | Habit and inflorescence |
| Cyperus flavicomus | Habit and inflorescence |
| Cyperus glaucophyllus | Habit and inflorescence |
| Cyperus heamatocephalus | Habit, inflorescence |
| Cyperus laevigatus | Habit and inflorescence |
| Cyperus longus longus | Inflorescence |
| Cyperus longus tenuiiflorus | Inflorescence and spikelet |
| Cyperus natalensis | Inflorescence and spikelet |
| Cyperus obtusiflorus flavissimus | Habit, inflorescence |
| Cyperus obtusiflorus obtusiflorus | Inflorescence |
| Cyperus papyrus | Habitat and Inflorescence |
| Cyperus prolifer | Inflorescence |
| Cyperus rotundus | Inflorescence and spikelets |
| Cyperus rupestris | Habit and inflorescence |
| Cyperus scirpoides | Habitat and habit |
| Cyperus semitrifides | Habit and Inflorescence |
| Cyperus sexangularis | Inflorescence and spikelets |
| Cyperus textiles | Inflorescence |
| Cyperus thunbergii | Inflorescence |
| Eleocharis acutangula | Habitat, Habit and inflorescence |
| Eleocharis dregeana | Habit, Inflorescence |
| Fincinia brevifolia | Inflorescence |
| Ficinia nigriscens | Habit and Inflorescence |
| Ficinia nodosa | Habitat, inflorescence |
| Ficinia pinguior | Inflorescence |
| Ficinia secunda | Habit and inflorescence |
| Fimbristylis complanata complanata | Habit and inflorescence |
| Fimbristylis feruginea | Habit and inflorescence |
| Fuirena ciliaris | Habit and inflorescence |
| Fuirena coerulescens | Habit, inflorescence, nutlet |
| Fuirena hirsuta | Inflorescence |
| Fuirena pubescens | Inflorescencs |
| Helmuthia membranaceae | Inflorescence |
| Isolepis costata | Inflorescence and spikelet |
| Isolepis inyangensis | Habit |
| Isolepis minuta | Inflorescence |
| Kyllinga alata | Inflorescence |
| Kyllinga alba | Habit and inflorescence |
| Kyllinga erecta | Habit and inflorescence |
| Kyllinga elatior | Inflorescence |
| Kyllinga melanosperma | Inflorescence |
| Kyllinga pulchella | Inflorescence |
| Kyllinga welwitchii | Habit |
| Lipocarpha chinensis | Habit and Inflorescence |
| Neesenbeckia punctoria | Inflorescence |
| Pseudoschoenus inanis | Habit and inflorescence |
| Pycreus betchuanus | Habit and inflorescence |
| Pycreus macranthus | Habit, inflorescence and spikelet |
| Pycreus nitidus | Inflorescence |
| Pycreus polystachyos | Habit and inflorescence |
| Pycreus pumilus | Habitat and inflorescence |
| Pycreus unioloides | Habit and inflorescence |
| Rhyncosporia brownii | Habit and inflorescence |
| Schoenoplectus brachyceras | Inflorescence |
| Schoenoplectus corymbosus | Inflorescence |
| Schoenoplectus decipiens | Habit and inflorescence |
| Schoenoplectus muricinux | Inflorescence and spikelets |
| Schoenoplectus muriculatus | Inflorescence |
| Schoenoplectus pulchellus | Inflorescence |
| Scirpoides burkeii | Habit and inflorescence |
| Scirpoides dioecus | Inflorescence |
| Scirpus varius | Inflorescence |
| Scleria transvaalensis | Habit and inflorescence |
Dipsacaceae | Cephalaria pungens | Inflorescence |
| Cephalaria zeyheriana | Inflorescence |
Droceraceae | Drosera burkeana | Leaf |
| Drosera capensis | Flower and leaf |
| Drosera madagascariensis | Flower and leaf |
| Drosera natalensis | Inflorescence and leaf |
Equisetaceae | Equisetum ramossisimum | |
| Equisetum sp. | |
Ericaceae | Erica alopecurus | Habit and inflorescence |
Eriocaulaceae | Eriocaulon dregei | Habit and inflorescence |
| Eriocaulon sonderarium | Habit andinflorescence |
Eriospermaceae | Eriospermum cooperi cooperi | Habit, inflorescence, flower and leaf |
Euphorbiaceae | Acalypha punctata | Male habit and flower |
| Acalypha schinzi | Habit |
| Euphorbia clavaroides | Habit |
| Euphorbia cooperi | Inflorescence |
| Euphorbia dregeana | Habit and inlforescence |
| Euphorbia mauritanica | Inflorescence and leaf |
Fabaceae | Agyrolobium tuberosum | Habit, inflorescence and flower |
| Chamaecrista comosa | Habit, inflorescence and fruit |
| Elephantoriza elephantina | Habit and inflorescence |
| Indigophera sulcate//Medicago sativa | Habit and inflorescence |
| Psoralea affinis | Flower and leaf |
| Rhynchosia caribaea | Habit and flower |
| Sphenostylis angustifolius | Habit and flower |
| Trifolium africanum | Inflorescence |
| Vigna vexillata | Habit |
Gentianaceae | Chironia decumbens | Habit, flower and fruit |
| Chironia krebsii | Habit and flower |
| Chironia palustris | Habit and flower |
| Chironia purpurascens | Flower |
| Sebaea elongate natalensis | Flower |
| Sebaea leiostyla | Inflorescence |
Geraniaceae | Geranium caffrum | Habit and flower |
| Geranium multisectum | Habit and flower |
| Geranium angustifolium | Habit and flower |
| Monsonia grandifolia | Flower |
| Monsonia praemosa | Habit and flower |
| Pelargonium capitatum | Flower |
| Pelargonium luridum | Habit and inflorescence |
| Pelargonium tomentosum | Habit and inflorescence |
Goodeniaceae | Scaevola plumeri | Habitat, habit, inflorescence and leaf |
Grossulariaceae | Ribes uva-crispa | Inflorescence, flower , fruit and leaf |
Gunneraceae | Gunnera perpensa | Habitat, inflorescence and leaf |
Haemodoraceae | Wachendorfia brachyandra | Inflorescence and flower |
| Wachendorfia thyrsiflora | Habit, inflorescence |
Haloragaceae | Myriophyllum aquaticum | Habitat and leaf |
Hyacinthaceae | Dipcadi marlothii | Inflorescence and flower |
| Dipcadi viride | Inflorescence and flower |
| Eucomus autumnalis | Habit, inflorescence |
| Ledebouria cooperi | Habit and inflorescence |
| Ledebouria floribunda | Habit and inflorescence |
| Ledebouria stenophylla | Inflorescence |
| Merwilla plumbea | Inflorescence, flower and leaf |
| Scilla nervosa | Habit, inlforescnce, flower and fruit |
| Urginea macrocentra | Inflorescence and flower |
| Veltheimia bracteata | Habit and inflorescence |
Hydrocharitaceae | Egeria densa | Flower and leaf |
| Lagarosiphon major | Habitat and habit |
| Lagarosiphon vericifolia | Habitat and leaf |
Hypericaceae | Hypericum lalandii | Habit, inflorescence and flower |
Hypoxidaceae | Empodium monophyllum | Flower |
| Hypoxis hemerocallidea | Inflorescence and flower |
| Hypoxis rigidula | Habit, inflorescence and flower |
| Spiloxene aqautica | Flower |
Iridaceae | Aristea capitata | Habit and inflorescence |
| Chasmanthe aethiopica | Inflorescence |
| Crocosmia aurea | Inflorescence and flower |
| Crocosmia paniculatum | Habit, inflorescence and flower |
| Dierama dracomontana | Habit, Inflorescence and flower |
| Dietes iridoides | Flower |
| Gladiolus aurantiacus | Inflorescence |
| Gladiolus calcaratus | Inflorescence and flower |
| Gladiolus caruleus | Inflorescence and flower |
| Gladiolus crassifolius | Inflorescence and flower |
| Gladiolus dalenii | Habit and inflorescence |
| Gladiolus dalenii dalenii | Habit and inflorescence |
| Gladiolus elliotii | Habit, inflorescence and flower |
| Gladiolus exiguus | Inflorescence and flower |
| Gladiolus gueinzii | Habit, inflorescence, flower and fruit |
| Gladiolus longicollis | Flower |
| Gladiiolus papilio | Habit, inflorescence and flower |
| Gladiolus pardalinus | Inflorescence and flower |
| Gladiolus permeabilis | Inflorescence and flower |
| Hesperantha baurii | Inflorescence and flower |
| Moraea brevistyla | Flower |
| Moraea elliotii | Flower |
| Moraea graminicola | Flower |
| Moraea huttoni* | Inflorescence and flower |
| Moraea stricta | Flower |
| Watsonia densiflora | Inflorescence |
| Watsonia pilansii | Habit and inflorescence |
| Watsonia transvaalensis | Inflorescence and flower |
Juncaceae | Juncus effusus | Inflorescence; flower and fruit |
| Juncus exertus | Flower and fruit |
| Juncus lomatophyllus | Habit, inflorescence |
| Juncus oxycarpus | Habit, inflorescence |
| Juncus punctorius | Habit, inflorescence, flower and fruit |
| Juncus rigidus | Inflorescence and flower |
Juncaginaceae | Triglochin bulbosa | Inflorescence, flower and fruit |
| Triglochin striata | Habit, inflorescence and fruit |
Lamiaceae | Ajuga ophrydis | Inflorescence |
| Clerodendrum triphyllum | Habit and flower and fruit |
| Mentha aquatica | Inflorescence |
| Mentha longifolia | Habit, Inflorescence |
| Ocimum angustifolium | Habit and inflorescence |
| Pycnostachys reticulata | Habitat and inflorescence |
| Pycnostachys urticifolia | Flower |
| Salvia Africana_lutea | Inflorescence and flower |
| Stachys natalensis | Inflorescence |
Lecythidaceae | Barringtonia racemosa | Habit, flower and fruit |
Lemnaceae | Lemna gibba | Habit |
| Lemna minor | Habit |
| Wolfia sp. | Habit |
Lentibulariaceae | Utricularia gibba | Habitat, flower and utricle |
| Utricularia livida | Habit, inflorescence and flower |
Limnocharitaceae | Limnocharis flava | Habit, inflorescence |
Lobeliaceae | Grammatotheca bergiana | Inflorescence and flower |
| Lobelia coronipifolia | Flower |
| Lobelia erinus | Flower |
| Lobelia flaccida | Flower |
| Lobelia tomentosa | Flower |
| Monopsis decipiens | Flower |
Loranthaceae | Agelanthus natalitius zeyheri | Habit and flower |
Lythraceae | Ammania auriculata | Inflorescence and leaf |
| Nesaea saggitifolia saggitifolia | Habit and inflorescence |
Malvaceae | Dombya rotundifolia | Inflorescence |
| Hermannia althaeoides | Habit and inflorescence |
| Hermannia depressa | Habit and inflorescence |
| Hermannia resedifolia | Inflorescence and leaf |
| Hibuscus aethiopicus | Inflorescence and flower |
| Hibuscus calyphyllus | Plant and flower |
| Hibuscus pusillus | Habit and flower |
| Hibuscus trionum | Habit, flower and fruit |
| Pavonia burchellii | Flower and fruit |
| Pavonia columella | Plant and flower |
Melastomaceae | Tibouchina sp. | Flower |
Menyanthaceae | Nymphoides indica occidentalis | Habitat, habit, inflorescence and fruit |
| Nympoides rautanenii | Habit, flower |
| Nympoides thunbergii | Habit and flower |
Mesembryanthaceae | Delosperma sutherlandii | Habit, flower and fruit |
Mimosaceae | Acacia karoo | Habit, leaf |
Molluginaceae | Hypertelis angrae_pequenae | Habit and flower |
| Psammotropha myriantha | Flower |
Moraceae | Ficus ingens | Leaf |
Nymphaeaceae | Nymphaea mexicana* | Habit and inflorescence |
| Nymphaea nouchali caerulea | Habitat, habit and flower |
| Nymphaea nouchali ovalifolia | Habit, flower and leaf |
| Nymphaea nouchali ovalifolia | Habit and flower |
Ochnaceae | Ochna pulchra | Habit and flower |
Onagraceae | Ludwigia adscendens diffusa | Habit, flower and leaf |
| Ludwigia stenoraphe macrosepala | Habit and flower |
| Oenothera jamesii | Habit, inflorescence and flower |
| Oenothera rosea | Flower |
| Oenothera tetraptera | Flower |
Orchidaceae | Corycium dracomontanum | Inflorescence and flower |
| Corycium nigrescens | Habit, inflorescence |
| Dis brevicornis | Habit, inflorescence |
| Disa chrysostachya | Habit, inflorescence and flower |
| Disa cooperi | Habit, inflorescence and flower |
| Disa fragrans | Habit, inflorescence and flower |
| Disa stachoides | Habit and inflorescence |
| Disa versicolor | Habit, inflorescence and flower |
| Disa woodii | Habit, inflorescence and flower |
| Eulophia angolensis | Habit, inflorescence and flower |
| Eulophia bainsii | Inflorescence and flower |
| Eulophia foliosa | Habit, inflorescence |
| Eulophia hians | Habit, inflorescenceand flower |
| Eulophia nutans | Habit, inflorescence and flower |
| Eulophia odontoglossa | Habit, inflorescence and flower |
| Eulophia speciosa | Habit, inflorescence and flower |
| Eulophia streptopetala | Inflorescence and flower |
| Eulophia zeyheriana | Inflorescence and flower |
| Habenaria caffra | Habit, inflorescence and flower |
| Habenaria dives | Inflorescence and flower |
| Habenaria epipactidae | Habit, inflorescence and flower and leaf |
| Ortochilus welwitschii | Inflorescence and flower |
| Satyrium hallacki ocellatum | Inflorescence |
| Satyrium longicauda | Habit, inflorescence and flower |
| Satyrium parviflorum | Habit, inflorescence and flower |
| Satyrium trinerve | Habit and inflorescence |
| Schizochilus zeyheri | Inflorescence |
Orobanchaceae | Alectra sessiflora | Inflorescence |
| Cycnium adonense | Flower |
| Graderia subintegra | Habit and flower |
| Striga elegans | Habit, inflorescence and flower |
Oxalidaceae | Oxalis argyrophylla | Habit |
| Oxalis flava | Habit and flower |
| Oxalis luteola | Habit and flower |
| Oxalis pes_caprae | Flower |
Papaveraceae | Argemone ochroleuca* | Plant and flower |
| Papaver aculeatum* | Habit and flower |
Passifloraceae | Passiflora subpeltata | Flower and leaf |
Pedaliaceae | Ceratotheca triloba | Habit, Inflorescence and flower |
| Sesamum alatum | Inflorescence and flower |
Phytolacaceae | Phytolaca octandra* | Habit, inflorescence and fruit |
Plantaginaceae | Plantago lanceolata | Habit and inflorescence |
| Plantago longissima | Habit and inflorescence |
Plumbaginaceae | Dyerophytum africanum | Inflorescence |
Poaceae | Agrostis atinuata | Inflorescence |
| Agrostis lachnantha | Habitat, habit and inflorescence |
| Alloteropsis semialata | Inflorescence |
| Alloteropsis semialata ecklonii | Habit, Inflorescence and spikelet |
| Andropogon appendiculatus | Inflorescence |
| Andropogon eucomus | Inflorescence |
| Brachiaria nigropetala | Spikelet |
| Brachiaria serrata | Inflorescence and spikelet |
| Bromus catharticus | Inflorescence |
| Bromus pectinatus | Inflorescence |
| Calamagrostis epigejos capensis | Inflorescence |
| Capechloa cincta | Habit and inflorescence |
| Chloris gayanus | Inflorescence |
| Cortaderia jubata | Habit and inflorescence |
| Cortaderia seloana | Inflorescence and spikelet |
| Cymbopogon plurinoides | Inflorescence |
| Cymbopogon vallidus | Inflorescence |
| Dactyloctenium giganteum | Habit and inflorescence |
| Dichantium annulatum | Inflorescence |
| Diheteropogon filifolius | Habit; inflorescence and spikelet |
| Echinochloa grus_galli | Inflorescence |
| Echinochloa holubi | Inflorescence |
| Echinochloa jubata | Inflorescence and spikelet |
| Eragrostis gummifloa | Inflorescence and spikelet |
| Eragrostis racemosa | Inflorescence |
| Eragrostis superba | Inflorescence and spikelet |
| Harpachloa falx | Habitat, inflorescence |
| Hemarthra altissima | Inflorescence |
| Hyparrhenia hirta | Habitat and inflorescence |
| Hyparrhenia tamba | Habitat and inflorescence |
| Hyperthelia dissoluta | Inflorescence |
| Imperata cylindrica | Habit and inflorescence |
| Ischaemum fasciculatum | Habit and inflorescence |
| Koeleria capensis | Habit, inflorescence and spikelet |
| Leersia hexandra | Habit, inflorescence, spikelet and node |
| Loudetia simplex | Inflorescence, spikelet and node |
| Melinis repens | Inflorescence and spikelet |
| Miscanthus junceus | Habit, inflorescence, spikelet and ligule |
| Monocymbium cereiiforme | Habit, inflorescence, spikelet and node |
| Panicum maximum | Spikelet |
| Panicum repens | Inflorescence, spikelet |
| Paspalum dilatatum | Inflorescence |
| Paspalum scrobiculatum | Inflorescence and spikelet |
| Paspalum urvillei | Inflorescence and spikelet |
| Pennisetum macrourum | Habit |
| Pennisetum thunbergii | Habit and inflorescence |
| Phragmites australis | Inflorescence and spikelet |
| Phragmites mauritianus | Habit, inflorescence and leaf |
| Polypogon monspeliensis | Habit, inflorescence and spikelet |
| Polypogon viridis | Habit and inflorescence |
| Setaria incrassata | Habit, nflorescence and spikelet |
| Setaria megaphylla | Habit and inflorescence |
| Setaria sphacelata sericea | Inflorescence and spikelet |
| Sorghum halepense | Habit, inflorescence and spikelet |
| Sporobolus africanus | Habit and inflorescence |
| Sporobolus pyramidalis | Habit and inflorescence |
| Stenotaphrum secundatum | Inflorescence and leaf |
| Stiburus alopecuroides | Habit and inflorescence |
| Themeda triandra | Inflorescence and spikelet |
| Thinopyrum distichum | Habit, inflorescence and spikelet |
| Tristachya biserata | Inflorescence |
| Tristachya leucothrix | Habit, inflorescence and spikelet |
Polygalaceae | Muraltia spinosa | Inflorescence |
| Polygala africana | Inflorescence |
| Polygala asbestina | Habit and flower |
| Polygala hottentotta | Inflorescence and flower |
| Polygala uncinata | Habit and inflorescence |
Polygonaceae | Persicaria amphibia | Habit and inflorescence |
| Persicaria attenuate africana | Habit, inflorescence, sheath and flower |
| Persicaria decipiens | Habit, inflorescence, sheath and flower |
| Persicaria hydropiper | Habit, inflorescence, flower and fruit |
| Persicaria lapathifolia | Habit, inflorescence and sheath |
| Persicaria limbata | Habit, inflorescence, sheath and flower |
| Persicaria meisneriana beyrichiana | Habit, inflorescence, sheath and flower |
| Persicaria senegalensis | |
Pontederiaceae | Eichorrnia crassipes* | Habit, inflorescence and flower |
| Pontederia cordata* | Habit, Inflorescence |
Potamogetonaceae | Potamogeton nodosus | Habit, inflorescence and fruit |
| Potamogeton pussilus | Habit and inflorescence |
| Potamogeton schweinfurthii | Habit and inflorescence |
| Potamogeton trichoides | Habit and inflorescence |
| Stuckenia pectinatus | Habit and inflorescence |
Prioniaceae | Prionium serratum | Habitat, habit and, inflorescence |
Proteaceae | Leucospermum mundii | Inflorescence |
| Leucospermum patersonii | Inflorescence |
| Protea cynaroides | Inflorescence |
| Protea eximia | Inflorescence |
| Protea repens | Inflorescence |
| Protea welwitschii | Inflorescence |
| Serruria kraussii | Habit and inflorescence |
Ranunculaceae | Ranunculus meyeri | Habit and inflorescence |
| Ranunculus multifides | Habit and inflorescence |
Rosaceae | Rubus rosifolius | Inflorescence |
Rubiaceae | Kohautia amatymbica | Inflorescence |
| Oldenlandia lancifolia scabridula | Habit, inflorescence, flower and fruit |
| Pachystigma pygmaem | Habit, inflorescence and fruit |
| Pentanasia angustifolia | Habit and inflorescence |
| Pentanasia prunelloides | Inflorescence |
| Pygmaeothamnus zeyheri | Habit and inflorescence |
| Richardia brasiliensis* | Habit and inflorescence |
| Vangueria infausta | Inflorescence |
Salvadoraceae | Azima tetracantha | Stem |
Salviniaceae | Salvinia minima | Habitat and habit |
| Salvinia molesta | Habit and leaf |
Sapindaceae | Dodonaea angustifolia | Inflorescence |
Sapotaceae | Englerophytum magalismontanum | Inflorescence and leaf |
Schropulariaceae | Bacopa monnieri | Habit and inflorescence |
| Craterostigma wilmsii | Habit, inflorescence |
| Datura stramonium* | Inflorescence |
| Diascia collina | Habit and inflorescence |
| Hebenstreia dura | Habit and inflorescence |
| Hebenstretia oatsii | Habit and inflorescence |
| Jamesbrittenia burkeana | Habit and inflorescence |
| Limosella longiflora | Habit, inflorescence and flower |
| Limosella major | Habit |
| Mimulus gracilis | Habit and inflorescence |
| Nemesia caerulea | Inflorescence and flower |
| Nemesia denticulata | Habit and flower |
| Nemesia fruiticans | Inflorescence, flower and fruit |
| Nemesia versicolor | Habit, inflorescence and flower |
| Phygelius aequalis | Inflorescence, flower |
| Selago flanaganii | Habit |
| Tetraselago natalensis | Inflorescence |
| Veronica anagalis aquatica | Habit, inflorescence and flower |
| Zalunskya elongata | Inflorescence |
Solanaceae | Solanum acanthoideum | Habit, inflorescence and flower |
Sterculiaceae | Melhania prostrata | Habit and flower |
Stilbaceae | Stilbe albiflora | Inflorescence |
Thymeleaceae | Gnidia burchellii | Habit and inflorescence |
| Gnidia caffra | Inflorescence |
Tilliaceae | Grewia occidentalis | Flower |
Typhaceae | Typha capensis | Inflorescence |
| Typha domingensis | Inflorescence |
Velloziaceae | Xerophyta retrinervis | Habitat, habit, inflorescence, flower and fruit |
Verbenaceae | Lantana camara | Habit, inflorescence, flower and fruit |
| Lantana rugosa | Habit; inflorescence and fruit |
| Phyla nodiflora nodiflora | Habit, Inflorescence |
| Verbena aristigera | Inflorescence |
| Verbena bonariensis | Inflorescence |
| Verbena brasiliensis | Inflorescence |
Xyridaceae | Xyris anceps | Habit, inflorescence and flower |
| Xyris capensis | Flower |
| Xyris congensis | Habit and inflorescence |
| Xyris gerrardii | Inflorescence and flower |
| Xyris natalensis | Inflorescence |
| Xyris obscura | Inflorescence |
| Xyris rehmannii | Inflorescence and flower |
Zanichelliaceae | Zanichella palustris | Habit, inflorescence and fruit |
Zosteraceae | Zostera capensis | Habit |
Zygophyllaceae | Roepera cordiifolium | Habit and flower |
| Roepera flexuosum | Habit, inflorescence and flower |
| Roepera morgsana | Habit, flower and fruit |